




Upper Pine students connect with seniors

Remembrance Day Ceremony – November 10, 2015

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Grade 7 Volleyball Game vs Bert BowesIMG_2421IMG_2420IMG_2419IMG_2418IMG_2416IMG_2415

Grade 7/8 Science Egg Drop ProjectIMG_2389IMG_2390IMG_2391IMG_2392IMG_2393IMG_2395IMG_2396IMG_2397IMG_2398IMG_2399IMG_2401IMG_2402IMG_2403IMG_2388Book Fair P1140455Some Art projects P1140526 P1140717Some great moments of our first week back at school! (Sept. 2015)P1140348 P1140052 P1140043 P1140266 P1140235 P1140124 P1140077 P1140068 P1140057 P1140052 P1140043



School Science Fair Awards March 2015
School Science Fair Awards
March 2015

 Welcome Back!P1090611

Welcome back, Mrs. Holland!  After a three month absence from our school. Mrs. Holland has returned with a shoulder joint that is repaired and almost good as new.  However, she is under strict orders from her Doctor to refrain from any snow clearing!  If you should spy her wielding a snow shovel, relieve her of it immediately.  We are thrilled she P1090629has returned to lead, support and guide our School Community through yet to be discovered adventures of all sorts.