September Newsletter

Upper Pine School September Newsletter

A warm welcome back and glad you are joining us for this 2018/19 school year. We hope you had a great summer and you and your children are ready to get back to the wonderful activity of learning.

A few notes about the upcoming year: We are going NUT FREE this year due to an airborne allergy. Please check your child’s snacks and lunches. (Even peanut butter breath from the morning breakfast will cause a reaction). Thank you for helping us keep this little boy safe.

Teaching Staff 2018/19:

Kindergarten – Mrs. Plews

Grade 1 – Mr. Smith

Grade 2 – Mr. Driedger

Grade 3 – Mrs. Davies/ Ms. Chartrand

Grade 4/5 – Mr. Warbinek

Grade 5/6 – Mr. McEvoy

Grade 6/7 – Mr. Roos

Grade 7/8 – Mr. Neufeld

Learning Assistant – Mrs. Crystal Johnson

Prep teacher – Miss Wieler

Library/Reading Recovery – Mrs. Gilmour

Bell Schedule:

8:30 amGrade 8 begins
8:45 amElementary classes begin
10:30 am Elementary Recess break
10:40 am Grade 8 Break
10:45 amAll classes resume
12:00Outside break for all classes
12:25Lunch in classes
12:45 All classes resume
2:38 Announcements
2:39Dismissal Bell


Dates to remember:

September 12th – First day of Kindergarten

September 18th – Dessert Potluck and Open house – 6:30 – 8:00

September 19th – Student photos

September 21st – NID – School planning day

September 24th – NID – Curriculum planning day

September 27th – Terry Fox Run – Toonies for Terry fundraiser

September 28th – Frisbee workshops for all students and staff


Overview of expectations:

Once off the bus students will bring their backpacks to the cement and line them up in classrooms, then they go play. Primary playground is to the south end of the school – the middle playground is for both – the playground to the north is for intermediate students. The new Outdoor Classroom will be an attraction for many students, as a staff we will work out how best to supervise this space. We thank our Parent Advisory Council for their hard work and perseverance in getting this massive project completed.

Reminders: please label your child’s belongings. We usually have an influx of 10 pairs of rubber boots that are exactly the same style with many being the same size.

Our Website – here is a spot where we try to keep things updated. Newsworthy events, newsletters, schedules, upcoming events, sometimes permission slips, informational items. The website also includes a calendar of upcoming events. Please check it out. If there is anything you’d like to see on the site please let Mrs. Braun know.

Upper Pine Swag:

We will be ordering hoodies, caps, touques and basketball shorts with our Upper Pine logo on them. Order forms will be going out soon and need to be back quickly as we’d like to put in our order by the end of September.  Hoodies are $38, Shorts are $17, Touques/Cap $15.

Yearbooks: 2017/18 yearbooks will be in by the end of September. Order forms for prepayment will be sent out the first week of school. There are limited numbers and Grade 8 Grads will be given first priority.

Hot Lunch orders: You can now order Hot Lunches and pay the school fees online. Please look for the purple paper in your child’s envelope. Please check the schedule as Hot Dog lunches have moved to Thursdays and will only happen every OTHER week.

Community coaches: We love having our community involved with our extra-curricular activities. If you’d like to help out or take on a full coaching role please contact the office. Cross country running and Volleyball will begin shortly. Practices are usually held at lunch and one/two after school times. Yes Community Coaches do need to get their Criminal Record checks done before they coach. We are looking forward to having another awesome year together.

A short timeline of the sports – please remember these are flexible.

September/October/November – Cross country running and Volleyball

December/January/February/March – Basketball

March/April – Badminton

May/June – Slopitch and Track n Field.

I am looking forward to a great year building relationships together.

       Mrs. Melody Braun