Cold Cold Weather

Please watch the news, listen to the radio, watch Facebook, read websites,.. when you are looking to see if Busses are running or not. The school will be open and pending cold weather issues at home,

Kindergarten Registration Opens in January

You will need to bring in the following information:

Care CardImmunization recordProof of residency – Utility bill, drivers license, mortgage, rental agreement (anything that has your name with your civic address on it)Birth Certificate

Welcome Back to School

January 6th, 2020

Hoping you and your families had a great Christmas break. We look forward to all the excited energy that the students will bring this new year.

Highlights of the week

Three classes will be enjoying the high school musical “Grease” Tuesday, and then have some time in the field house after lunch.

The rest of us will be enjoying a presentation by BC Hockey – showing participation,

Happenings around Upper Pine November 22, 2019

Our new skate shack now has a concrete floor (if you are in and around the school this weekend please do not go on the concrete) we so appreciate seeing the beginnings of this new building for Upper Pine.