Orange Shirt Day

A Day to Remember

Please wear an orange shirt on Friday.

Frisbee Rob

Frisbee Rob will be joining Upper Pine on Friday – he will be putting on Workshops to all students – yes Ultimate Frisbee at it’s finest.

Terry Fox Run

Our Terry Fox Run will be happening Thursday, September 27th at 11:00 please join us. We will also be collecting Toonies for Terry until Friday.

Picture Day

Reminder that Wednesday, September 19th is picture day.
Extra forms will be at the office. 

September Newsletter

Upper Pine School September Newsletter

A warm welcome back and glad you are joining us for this 2018/19 school year. We hope you had a great summer and you and your children are ready to get back to the wonderful activity of learning.

Bell Schedule 2018/19

8:30 am
Grade 8 begins

8:45 am
Elementary classes begin

10:30 am
Elementary Recess break

10:40 am
Grade 8 Break

10:45 am
All classes resume

Outside break for all classes

Lunch in classes

All classes resume


Dismissal Bell


Upper Pine Swag

Going on Sale this September – Upper Pine Sway
Hoodies – $38
Basketball shorts – $17
Three styles of touques – $15
Baseball cap – $15


Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back
Our Office Hours for the end of August are:
August 27th, Monday – 9:00am – 2:00 pm
August 28th – Tuesday – CLOSED
August 29,30,31 – Open – 8:30am – 2:30pm

Upcoming events

Wow it is almost June and so many events are happening around the school.
We have freezies on sale at noon this week (except for Wednesday because that is FLOAT DAY).

Thursday is Doig Days and our Grade 4’s are looking forward to all the unique experiences they will have.