School Closure – Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Good afternoon Upper Pine Families,
I want to begin by first saying that my thoughts are with all our Upper Pine Families and the surrounding communities that continue to be affected by the wildfires. You are all in my thoughts and I hope that we can get back to our normal daily routine soon.

Grade 5/6 Badminton

Congratulations to all the players that represented Upper Pine at our District’s Badminton tournament last week. Congratulations goes to Michael and Jayden as the B Side Winners. Well done everyone.

Badminton tryouts

We will be having tryouts for the Grade 5/6 Badminton team the first week in April. We cannot take everyone who would like to play because we are limited as to the number of players we are allowed to bring to the tournament.

Up Coming Activities at Upper Pine

Basketball is winding up this week for all our teams. Thanks to the coaches for their dedication.
Family Day – February 21st – Enjoy some time with your families as there is no school.
Cultural Event for k/1,